Releases: axkirillov/easypick.nvim
Releases · axkirillov/easypick.nvim
v0.6.0 New `nvim_commandf` action
The improved nvim_commandf
action allows to place the entry value anywhere in the command, allowing, for example using such tools as toggletem, ex.: action = easypick.actions.nvim_commandf("TermExec cmd='bazel build %s'"
v0.5.0 New one-off picker
A one off picker can be created by calling
require('easypick').one_off('type your command here')
This will open up a picker just for the typed in command with default selection action and previewer
- new nvim_command action that takes a prefix argument, which allows to compose commands like "FloatermNew make <entry>"
- running Easypick with no arguments now opens a meta picker (pick from your configured pickers)
Entry maker can be specified
Options and actions can be specified in the picker
First release