** Classes and tools for interacting with Ignition Fuel **
Ignition Fuel Tools is composed by a client library and command line tools for interacting with Ignition Fuel servers.
Test coverage reports are available at Codecov:
cd ign-fuel-tools
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
make install
is set to the right install locationign fuel
will work.
Default is /usr/local/share/ignition
** List all models **
$ ign fuel list -t model -r | head
** Download a model **
$ ign fuel download -u https://fuel.ignitionrobotics.org/1.0/openrobotics/models/Ambulance -v 4
Downloading model:
Name: Ambulance
Owner: openrobotics
URL: https://fuel.ignitionrobotics.org
Version: 1.0
Download succeeded.
** C++ Get List models **
// Create a client (uses https://fuel.ignitionrobotics.org by default)
ignition::fuel_tools::ClientConfig conf;
ignition::fuel_tools::FuelClient client(conf);
ignition::fuel_tools::ModelIter iter = client.Models();
while (iter)
std::cout << "Got model: " << iter->Identification().Name() << "\n";
** Upload a model **
Create an account on https://app.ignitionrobotics.org/ and log in.
While logged in, obtain the JWT token of the account from the browser.
In Chrome and Firefox, this can be done by opening Developer Tools (
). Click on the Console tab, and type in
This will print out the token.
The token can also be obtained through the Developer Tools GUI.
Click on the Application tab in Chrome (or Storage tab in Firefox), and expand
the Local Storage item.
In Firefox versions < 71.0, this may be under Web Developer, then Storage
Click on the URL displayed, and select Key id_token
Its Value can be copied.
The JWT token can then used to upload the model:
ign fuel upload -m ~/path_to_model --header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT TOKEN>'
Note that the upload
command only works for models currently, not worlds.
See issues beginning with [Fuel backend] in the title. Here are two examples.
** TODO: Find a model on disk **
$ ign fuel locate --name am1
On ubuntu run
sudo apt install ruby-ffi libzip-dev libcurl-dev libjsoncpp-dev
Create the notion of "asset repository" or similar. An asset repository abstracts an entity that can store assets. It can be local or remote. This is the interface for "asset repository":
- List(category). E.g.: localRepository.List("models") remote1Repository.List("models")
- Details(assetIdentifier). E.g.: Modeldentifier model; model.Owner("the_owner"); model.Name("the_name"); localRepository.Details(model) remote1Repository.Details(model)
- Create(assetIdentifier, path_to_the_asset). E.g.: Modeldentifier model; model.Owner("the_owner"); model.Name("the_name"); localRepository.Create(model, path_to_the_asset) remote1Repository.Create(model, path_to_the_asset)
- Delete(assetIdentifier). E.g.: Modeldentifier model; model.Owner("the_owner"); model.Name("the_name"); localRepository.Delete(model) remote1Repository.Delete(model)
- CopyTo(assetIdentifier, dst_repository). E.g.: Modeldentifier model; model.Owner("the_owner"); model.Name("the_name"); localRepository.CopyTo(model, remote1Repository) remote1Repository.CopyTo(model, localRepository)
- "LocalRepository" and "RemoteRepository" should implement this interface. (Most of the pieces are there, we just need to refactor the code a bit).
Think about how to detect when new versions of remote models have been uploaded.
- Idea of a hash.
Add ignition fuel command line utilities for:
- detail
- create
- delete
- copyTo
How to test the client library:
- Directly against the real backend (staging?)
- Clone, and compile a local backend?
- Mocking the backend has the problem of not being in sync with the real backend and missing potential issues.
In the event that the installation is a mix of Debian and from source, command
line tools from ign-tools
may not work correctly.
A workaround for a single package is to define the environment variable
to point to the location of the Ignition library installation,
where the YAML file for the package is found, such as
export IGN_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/share/ignition
However, that environment variable only takes a single path, which means if the installations from source are in different locations, only one can be specified.
Another workaround for working with multiple Ignition libraries on the command line is using symbolic links to each library's YAML file.
mkdir ~/.ignition/tools/configs -p
cd ~/.ignition/tools/configs/
ln -s /usr/local/share/ignition/fuel4.yaml .
ln -s /usr/local/share/ignition/transport7.yaml .
ln -s /usr/local/share/ignition/transportlog7.yaml .
export IGN_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/.ignition/tools/configs
This issue is tracked here.