A simple REST API that can be used to analyze data of globally confirmed cases. It provides multiple endpoints which can be used to fetch data of COVID-19 cases by date, country. Varying cases in the region.
The spring configurations are placed in application.yml file inside resources directory. User name and password are used for authentication whereas for authorization JWT is used. Two tokens are returned in response of login request. One is access token whereas other one is refresh token that can be used to get new token. Upon getting new token previous token is invalidated. JWT token expiry and signature key configurations are available in application.yml
The data source of COID is also configurable as URL. CSV parser is only written for Johns Hopkins' data source. Its URL was given in assignment document.
To build locally type mvn clean install
To run using dockers
On Windows:** docker-compose.exe up
On Mac/Linux: docker-compose up
All documentation can be found at (after running application) http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html