Base docker image to run Erlang applications in
- [`latest`, `18`, `18.3`]( - [ `18.1`]( erlang-kernel
- erlang-stdlib
- erlang-compiler
- erlang-kernel
- erlang-stdlib
- erlang-compiler
- erlang-crypto
- erlang-syntax-tools
- erlang-inets
- erlang-ssl
- erlang-public-key
- erlang-asn1
- erlang-sasl
- erlang-erl-interface
- erlang-dev
- erlang-eunit
- erlang-parsetools
- erlang-xmerl
Image content use
Example of using that image with azk:
* Documentation:
// Adds the systems that shape your system
"my-app": {
// More info about erlang image:
image: {"docker": "azukiapp/erlang:18"},
// Steps to execute before running instances
provision: [
workdir: "/azk/#{manifest.dir}",
shell: "/bin/bash",
// command: "erl ...",
wait: {"retry": 20, "timeout": 1000},
mounts: {
'/azk/#{manifest.dir}': path("."),
scalable: {"default": 1},
http: {
domains: [ "#{}.#{azk.default_domain}" ]
ports: {
// http: "8080"
envs: {
// set instances variables
EXAMPLE: "value",
Install more packages:
# Dockerfile
FROM azukiapp/erlang:18
# install postgressql-client
RUN apk add --update postgresql-client \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* /var/tmp/* \
CMD ["erl"]
To build the image:
$ docker build -t azukiapp/erlang:18 18
To more packages, access alpine packages
To create the image azukiapp/erlang
, execute the following command on the erlang folder:
$ docker build -t azukiapp/erlang:18 18
To run erl console:
$ docker run -d -t -i azukiapp/erlang:18 erl
Obs: Very slow process
$ make test
# with azk
$ azk logs my-app
# with docker
$ docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>
Azuki Dockerfiles distributed under the Apache License.