Vaadin Flow - Integration of Google Charts Webcomponent
Could not believe how easy it is to use (well documented) WebComponents with Vaadin Flow.
In this small project I'm creating a class wrapping ( and using it
These chart types have been tested:
- Pie
- Pie3D
- Donut
- Line
- Area
- Stacked Area
- Column
- Bar
- Time Series
- Geo Chart
with data:
- from json file
- dynamically created
There are quite some things that need to be improved:
- solved: there is a npe at "com.vaadin.flow.internal.JsonCodec.decodeWithoutTypeInfo" which I could not yet localize
- solved: not yet figured out how json data have to be formatted when used from a file in a geo-chart
- not yet figured out how setting a date dynamically can be achieved
any input on these topics is appreciated