An example update server for binary executables create with bakeware
SousChef currently functions as a JSON API with a few particularly useful endpoints:
- Check your version against the latest version on the update server. Requiresversion
argument to be passed. If you are out of date,%{status: "update", url: "some-url"}
will be returnedcurl
This is currently deployed with Gigalixir. Since it is a folder of a repo, git subtree
must be used. If you're setup and authorized, you can use the following commands to deploy:
Deploy normally
git subtree push --prefix sous_chef gigalixir master
Deploy "fresh"
If you change the git history (like a rebase) you'll have to clean the gigalixir cache
git -c http.extraheader="GIGALIXIR-CLEAN: true" subtree --prefix sous_chef push gigalixir master