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first working draft of .etch / preloading lib
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w/ forked gunzip-maybe and @types/gunzip-maybe so we don't need esinterop

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aethernet committed Nov 29, 2022
1 parent 7a1a73b commit 534f8f8
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,941 additions and 29 deletions.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions lib/dotetch-preloading/appsJson.ts
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* `Apps.json` is the file that will inform the supervisor of what's has been preloaded, which services should be started and with which config.
* `Apps.json` content is a subset of the `target state` for a device in a fleet running a given release.
* Once we have that target fleeet, we need to go down one level to `apps` and keep only that element.
* In Apps.json we have the list of all the images that makes up a release.

import axios from "axios"

* Derives Apps.json from target state obtained from the api
* This requires merge of in open-balena-api
* @param {string} app_id - app_id
* @param {string} release_id - release_id
* @param {string} app_id - app_id === fleet_id /!\ fleet_id != fleet_uuid
* @param {string} api - api server url
* @param {string} apiToken - token to access api
* @returns {json} - apps.json object
const getAppsJson = async ({ app_id, api, token }: any) => {
const headers = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `${token}`,

try {
const appRes = await axios({
url: `${api}/v6/application(${app_id})`,
const uuid = appRes?.data?.d?.[0]?.uuid
console.log("GOT UUID ", uuid)
// if (!uuid) throw Error(`Error: can't find fleet (${app_id}`);

const { data } = await axios({
url: `${api}/device/v3/fleet/${uuid}/state`,

return data[uuid] // get down one level to transform the target state into a valid Apps.json
} catch (error) {
console.error("\n\n==> getAppsJson error:", error)

* Takes a apps.json and returns the list of images for an app & release.
* If apps_id and/or release_id is unkown it will return first.
* // TODO: return all instead of first when no app or release is specified.
interface ImageIdsInput {
appsJson: any //TODO: get propertype for appsJson V3

interface Image {
image_name: string
image_hash: string

const getImageIds = ({ appsJson }: ImageIdsInput): Image[] => {
//TODO: prepare for multiapps and loop on apps instead of getting only 1st
const appId = Object.keys(appsJson.apps)[0]
const releaseId = Object.keys(appsJson.apps?.[appId]?.releases)[0]
console.log(`==> appId: ${appId} & releaseId: ${releaseId}`)
const imageKeys = Object.keys(appsJson.apps?.[appId]?.releases?.[releaseId]?.services)
const imageNames = => appsJson.apps?.[appId]?.releases?.[releaseId]?.services[key].image)
return => {
const [image_name, image_hash] = image.split("@")
return { image_name, image_hash }

export { getAppsJson, getImageIds }
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions lib/dotetch-preloading/baseImage.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* Get the base image we're going to preload assets in (balenaos.img)
* */

interface StreamBaseImageIn {
pipeStreamFrom: NodeJS.ReadableStream
pipeStreamTo: NodeJS.WritableStream

* Awaitable pipe stream from input to output
const streamBaseImage = ({ pipeStreamFrom, pipeStreamTo }: StreamBaseImageIn): Promise<boolean> =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log("== Start streaming base image (balenaOs) @streamBaseImage ==")


pipeStreamFrom.on("end", function () {
// we're good we can continue the process
console.log("== End of base image streaming (balenaOs) @streamBaseImage ==")

pipeStreamFrom.on("error", function (error) {
// something went wrong

export { streamBaseImage }
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions lib/dotetch-preloading/digestStream.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* minimal typescript reimplementation of
* This will let a stream pass-thru then returns a sha256 hash + size of the content.
import { Transform } from "stream";
import { createHash } from "crypto";

const digestStream = (exfiltrate: Function): Transform => {
const digester = createHash("sha256");
let length = 0;

const hashThrough = new Transform({
transform(chunk: Buffer, _, callback) {
length += chunk.length;

hashThrough.on("end", () => {
exfiltrate(digester.digest("hex"), length);

return hashThrough;

export { digestStream };
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions lib/dotetch-preloading/docker-parse-image.ts
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* Typescript version

export interface DockerParsedImage {
registry: string | null
namespace?: string | null
repository: string | null
tag?: string | null
name: string
fullname: string

const dockerParseImage = (image: string): DockerParsedImage => {
const registryArray = image.split("/")

let registry = registryArray[0]
let namespace = registryArray[1]
const repository = registryArray[2].split("@")[0]
let tag = registryArray[2].split("@")[1]

if (!namespace && registry && !registry.includes(":") && !registry.includes(".")) {
namespace = registry
registry = ""

registry = registry ? `${registry}` : ""
namespace = namespace && namespace !== "library" ? `${namespace}` : ""
tag = tag && tag !== "latest" ? `:${tag}` : ""

const name = `${registry}${namespace}${repository}${tag}`
const fullname = `${registry}${namespace || "library/"}${repository}${tag || ":latest"}`

const result = {
registry: registry || null,
namespace: namespace || null,
repository: repository || null,
tag: tag || null,

return result

export { dockerParseImage }
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions lib/dotetch-preloading/expandImg.mjs
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@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { spawn, spawnSync } from 'child_process';
// import pLimit from 'p-limit';
// import gunzip from "extract-zip";
import gunzip from "gunzip-maybe"
import { promisify } from "util";

const IMAGES_BASE = path.resolve('images-base');
const IMAGES_EXPANDED = path.resolve('images-expanded');
console.log(`IMAGES_BASE: ${IMAGES_BASE}`);

// In bytes:
const SECTOR_SIZE = 512
const MBR_SIZE = 512

* createDDArgs
* dd helper
* @param {string} partitionTableDiskImage
* @param {string} nameImage
* @param {int} resizeMultiplier
* return {Array} argsList
* // obs is the output block size and ibs is the input block size. If you specify bs without ibs or obs this is used for both.
// Seek will just "inflate" the output file.
// Seek=7 means that at the beginning of the output file,
// 7 "empty" blocks with output block size=obs=4096bytes will be inserted.
// This is a way to create very big files quickly.
// Or to skip over data at the start which you do not want to alter.
// Empty blocks only result if the output file initially did not have that much data.
function createDDArgs(inImageName, outImageName, resizeMultiplier, partitionStartBytes) {
const partitionTableLabel = 'GPT' || 'DOS';
const argsListMore = {}
argsListMore.sizing = [`count=${MBR_BOOTSTRAP_CODE_SIZE}`, 'seek=5'];
if (partitionTableLabel === 'DOS') {
argsListMore.sizing = [ `skip=${MBR_SIZE}`, `seek=${MBR_SIZE}`, `count=${partitionStartBytes - MBR_SIZE}`];
if (partitionTableLabel === 'GPT') {
argsListMore.sizing = [ `skip=${GPT_SIZE}`, `seek=${GPT_SIZE}`, `count=${partitionStartBytes - GPT_SIZE}`];
console.log(partitionTableLabel,'partitionTableLabel', argsListMore.sizing, 'partitionStartBytes', partitionStartBytes);

const argsList = [

`ibs=${1024 * resizeMultiplier}`,
// `bs=${resizeMultiplier}M`, // one MiB * resizeMultiplier
// `iflag=count_bytes, skip_bytes`, // count and skip in bytes
// `oflag=seek_bytes`// seek in bytes
return argsList;

// fork() exec() spawn() spawnSync()
const getPartitions = async (image) => {
// const diskutilResults = await spawn('diskutil', ['list']);
// console.log('diskutil', await diskutilResults);
const partitions = spawn('df', ['-hkP'], {
// cwd: '/',
// windowsHide: true,
stdio: [
/* Standard: stdin, stdout, stderr */
// 'inherit',
/* Custom: pipe:3, pipe:4, pipe:5 */
'pipe', process.stderr
const partitionsResults = {partitions: [], partitionsLength: 0};

partitions.stdout.on('data', data => {
const parsedDf = parseDf(data);
// const strData = splitDf(data);
// partitionsResults.partitionArrayLength = strData.length;
// // console.log('strData.length', strData.length);
// const columnHeaders = strData.shift();
// console.log('columnHeaders', columnHeaders);
// const formatted = formatDf(strData, columnHeaders);
partitionsResults.partitions = parsedDf.partitions;
partitionsResults.partitionsLength = parsedDf.partitionsLength;
return partitionsResults;

// partitions.stderr.on('data', data => {
// assert(false, 'NOPE stderr');
// });

partitions.on('close', code => {
console.log('Child exited with', code, 'and stdout has been saved');
console.log('partitionsResults', partitionsResults);
return partitionsResults;
return partitionsResults;

const parseDf = (data) => {
const strData = splitDf(data);
const columnHeaders = strData.shift();
const formatted = formatDf(strData, columnHeaders);
return {partitions: formatted, partitionsLength: formatted.length};

const splitDf = (data) => {
return data.toString()
.replace(/ +(?= )/g,'') //replace multiple spaces between device parameters with one space
.split('\n') //split by newline
.map((line) => line.split(' ')); //split each device by one space

const formatDf = (strData, columnHeaders) => {
return => {
const partitionObj = {};
for ( const [index,value] of devDisk.entries()) {
partitionObj[columnHeaders[index]] = value
return partitionObj;

export const expandImg = async (img, partitionSizeStart = 1) => {
if (!img) {
throw new Error(`No img: "${img}"`);
const unzippedPath = `${IMAGES_BASE}/unzipped/`
if (img.includes("zip")) {
// await gunzip(img, {dir: `${IMAGES_BASE}/unzipped/`});
await gunzip(`${IMAGES_BASE}/zipped/${img}`, {dir: unzippedPath});
// else {

// const diskutilResults = await spawn('diskutil', ['list']);
// console.log('diskutil', await diskutilResults);
const generateRandomName = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);

const inImageName = `${unzippedPath}${img.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.')}`;
const outImageName = `${IMAGES_EXPANDED}/${generateRandomName}.img`;
const argsList = await createDDArgs(inImageName, outImageName, 7, partitionSizeStart);
await spawn('dd', argsList, {
cwd: '/',
windowsHide: true,
stdio: [
/* Standard: stdin, stdout, stderr */
/* Custom: pipe:3, pipe:4, pipe:5 */
'pipe', process.stderr
return generateRandomName;

// strace dd if=/dev/disk5 of=./images-expanded/tuckers.img bs=4M conv=notrunc
// dd if=/dev/disk5 of=./images-expanded/tuckers.img bs=4M conv="notrunc"
// bs=4M

const getImages = async () => {
const image = ''
const {partitions, partitionsLength} = await getPartitions(image);
console.log('partitions', await partitions, 'partitionsLength', partitionsLength);
const imageName = await expandImg(image)
console.log('imageName', await imageName);
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions lib/dotetch-preloading/images.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/** Prepare injectable files for all images */

const getImagesConfigurationFiles = (manifests: any) => {
const dockerImageOverlay2Imagedb = "docker/image/overlay2/imagedb"
console.log("MANIFESTS => ", manifests)
return manifests
.map(({ configManifestV2, imageId }: any) => {
const shortImage_id = imageId.split(":")[1]
return [
header: { name: `${dockerImageOverlay2Imagedb}/content/sha256/${shortImage_id}`, mode: 644 },
content: JSON.stringify(configManifestV2),
header: { name: `${dockerImageOverlay2Imagedb}/metadata/sha256/${shortImage_id}/lastUpdated`, mode: 644 },
content: new Date().toISOString(),

export { getImagesConfigurationFiles }
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions lib/dotetch-preloading/index.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import { streamPreloadingAssets } from "./streamPreloadingAssets";

export { streamPreloadingAssets };

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