A simple CSS base
CoreCSS aims to be a light, simple and solid foundation on which to build your CSS. There are other similar projects that CoreCSS is inspired by. The objective of CoreCSS is to create a simple base that unifies the most basic CSS common values of the main browsers.
It's built trying to be deeply respectful with the web standards and with the decisions of the different browsers. Sometimes, default is good. I try to avoid overwriting a selector several times unnecessarily.
There is some opinionated code, but not much. For example: box-sizing, font-families, cursors, etc.
I don't worry too much about old and obsolete browsers.
All contributions and opinions are welcome.
Choose how you want to use CoreCSS:
npm install @barcia/corecss --save-dev
See npmjs.com/package/@barcia/corecss
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@barcia/corecss@{VERSION}">
Developed by Iván Barcia. Based in other projects.
Project tested on BrowserStack
- normalize.css
- sanitize.css
- modern-normalize
- Bootstrap reboot.scss
- destyle.css
- a11y-css-reset
- a-modern-css-reset
This project is under MIT License