Terraform GitHub Actions is a collection of re-usable GitHub Actions bundled into a GitHub workflow designed for Terraform projects using Azure. The primary goal of this project is to create a versatile CI/CD pipeline that can be used across different projects. Additionally, it serves as a blueprint for easy understanding, customization, and expansion, making it suitable as a foundation for online tutorials and blogs.
The core idea behind this workflow is to optimize your GitOps process. By ensuring that all infrastructure-related changes are made through merge requests, this workflow provides comprehensive information within the pull request, including Terraform formatting, the plan, cost summary, and a description of the changes, topped with a short AI-generated poem for a touch of whimsy.
Before using these GitHub Actions, make sure you have the following in place:
- A GitHub account
- An Azure account
- Terraform installed
To use these actions, configure the following secrets in your repository settings (Settings > Secrets > New Repository Secret):
Secret Name | Description |
AZURE_CLIENT_ID | Your Azure Client ID. |
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | Your Azure Subscription ID. |
AZURE_TENANT_ID | Your Azure Tenant ID. |
GH_PAT | Your GitHub PAT token. |
INFRACOST_API_KEY | Your Infracost API key. |
OPEN_AI_KEY | Your OpenAI key. |
There are two workflows in this repository:
This workflow is triggered when a pull request is opened, synced, re-opened, or changed. It provides you with essential information to determine whether you can merge the pull request. It includes the following steps:
- Checkout the actions in this repository
- Build the Docker images to run the actions
- Checkout the repository containing the Terraform code
- Execute the following tasks:
- Check Terraform formatting
- Initialize Terraform
- Validate the Terraform code
- Display the changes of the Terraform plan
- Determine the costs of the changes
- Provide a brief summary of the changes using OpenAI
- Upload the Terraform plan
You can set this workflow as a prerequisite in GitHub to ensure that these tasks must succeed for the pull request to be merged.
This workflow is triggered when a pull request is merged and handles the actual deployment of your code to Azure. It includes the following steps:
- Checkout the actions in this repository
- Build the Docker images to run the actions
- Checkout the repository containing the Terraform code
- Execute the following tasks:
- Initialize Terraform
- Validate the Terraform code
- Execute the Terraform plan
- Apply the changes from the Terraform plan
- Update the comment on the pull request with the apply summary.
For detailed examples of how to configure and use these workflows, see the provided configuration files:
name: pr-check
- master
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, edited]
id-token: write
contents: read
pull-requests: write
# you can set your fork or own repository here.
uses: bartvanackooij-com/github-actions/.github/workflows/pr-checks.yml@master
# you will need to set the directory your terraform code resides.
working_directory: "terraform/environments/infra"
github_pr_number: ${{ github.event.number }}
name: merge
- master
types: [closed]
id-token: write
contents: read
pull-requests: write
# to make sure it runs only when a PR is merged:
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.action == 'closed' && github.event.pull_request.merged == true
# you can set your fork or own repository here.
uses: bartvanackooij-com/github-actions/.github/workflows/merge.yml@master
# you will need to set the directory your terraform code resides.
working_directory: "terraform/environments/infra"
github_pr_number: ${{ github.event.number }}