By docker/podman:
docker run -it -i <DNS/ip>, -u root -k assisted-test-infra.yml
From source:
git clone https:///
cd ansible-playbooks
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
Run locally the workstation's playbook:
ansible-playbook --connection=local -i localhost, -u $USER -K workstation.yml
Run locally the server's playbook for installing assisted-test-infra:
ansible-playbook --connection=local -i localhost, -u $USER -K assisted-test-infra.yml
Run locally the server's playbook for installing dev-scripts:
ansible-playbook --connection=local -i localhost, -u $USER -K dev-scripts.yml
ansible-playbook -i <hostname_or_ip>, -u root -k matchbox.yml
Ports will be 9090
(HTTP) and 9091
Client certificates are located at ~/.matchbox
for usage by terraform (recommended) or by manual usage.
Server certificates are located at /etc/matchbox/
though they are not relevant outside of the server's scope.