A responsive Hugo theme inspired by gruvbox Retro groove color scheme for Vim.
If you already have a working Hugo installation, skip to step 3.
- Install Hugo
hugo new site my\_new\_amazing\_blog.io
cd my\_new\_amazing\_blog.io/themes/
git clone [email protected]:bbrks/hugo-gruvbox-theme.git gruvbox
cd ..
echo 'theme = "gruvbox"' >> config.toml
hugo new posts/first-post.md
hugo server --watch --buildDrafts
The following parameters can be specified and tweaked in your Hugo config for extra customisation.
paginate = 5
disqusShortname = ""
author = { name = "Ben Brooks" }
description = "Software Engineer & Gopher"
keywords = ["software engineering", "golang", "gopher", "blog", "programmer", "bbrks"]
titlePrefix = ""
titleSuffix = " | bbrks.me"
dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
menuItemPrefix = "~/"
postTruncateLength = 250
hideGopher = false
disqusAutoLoad = false
disqusAutoLoadCount = false
name = "CV"
identifier = "cv.pdf"
url = "https://rawgit.com/bbrks/cv/master/cv.pdf"
weight = 9999
name = "Twitter"
url = "https://twitter.com/bbrks_"
weight = 1
name = "GitHub"
url = "https://github.com/bbrks"
weight = 10
name = "Keybase"
url = "https://keybase.io/bbrks"
weight = 30
name = "LinkedIn"
url = "https://uk.linkedin.com/in/bbrks"
weight = 100