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GCNotify config

Craig Clark edited this page May 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

GCNotify has three modes: Test, Teams, and Prod.

During development, you may want to use Test or Teams mode, depending on what you are doing. Prod should always be in production mode.

The settings for message_gcnotify.settings:mode are ignored by the config.

Test and Dev

The mode will be whatever you set it to in the UI.

The prod API key should be removed from the vault on Test and Dev. See this issue. This will ensure that even if someone switches the mode to Prod in the UI, no unintended messages will be sent to users.


The prod key should be stored in the vault.

The mode for Prod is hardcoded in settings.php. See this issue.

In the UI, changing the mode will have no effect as it is overridden. It is recommended that the UI be set to Prod to avoid confusion, but it has no effect on functionality.

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