A Simple TETRIS game with one external command which is named TOOBEH. I'm not a native English speaker be ready for some possible language flaws :)
Java Version: 13.0.1
library and modules
- jackson-annotations-2.10.3
- jackson-core-2.10.3
- jackson-databind-2.10.3
- Q : Rotate left
- W : Undo the current move (TOOBEH)
- E : Rotate right
- A : Move left
- S : Speed up!
- D : Move right
- ENTER : start a new game (if you press ENTER before your lost, your score won't be saved! but you can start a new game when ever you want!)
public static void main(String[] args) {
Game game = new Game();
All the game loop and stuff runs on a new thread I don't know how to use thread professionally but I just want to try it this way!
Main class is Game.java
which also implements Runnable and KeyListener interfaces dou to run and listen to the players commands. I did my best to write that code functional and neat.
package and gfx
package are separated and Game.java
class draw stuffs on the display based on logic part by connecting this two parts to each other.
For saving top scores of all times I have used json. it's pretty simple. also for better performance I have created Assets.java
class dou to load each graphical files just one time over the game.
I need to point out that the center of the era of all shapes is not same so if you can't rotate a shape in some places don't panic :) just think of a diffrent center of the era.