Contact book is a simple app written in Laravel as part of the technical assessment for a job interview. To compile, please run the following steps:
- Create GitHub app, obtain API keys
- Create Facebook app, obtain API keys
- Register for a trial account at ActiveCampaign and/or obtain API keys
- SSH into a local/dev server
- Install php, apache, mysql
- Create mysql database (contactbook), user and password
- Clone/upload project to the server
- Install composer and run composer update (check to make sure that all of the required php extension are installed)
- Install nodejs version 8 (default node that comes with Ubuntu will not work as it is version 4; likewise the latest version 9+ will not work either)
- Copy .env.example config file and rename to .env. Update the values
- Run php artisan migrate
- Run npm install
- Run npm run production
- Configure apache virtual host to point to public project folder
- Enable mod_rewrite with a2enmod rewrite
- Restart apache service with sudo service apache2 restart
- Access the app via a pre-configured URL. DEMO
Paul Brighton, Jan 2018