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Open the CmakeList.txt
Point the libraraies on your system.
mkdir build
- Open a terminal
- cd to the catkin workspace
- run
source devel/setup.bash
- run
rosrun outdet point_publisher
This will read a point cloud in KITTI format and publish it continuously. Replace the file path with your point cloud.
- Open a terminal
- cd to the catkin workspace
- run
source devel/setup.bash
- run
rosrun outdet filter_with_outdet
This will run TensorRT inference in C++, the code needs to be optimized and paralellized based on the environment. The node will extract the 10 meter front view in the point cloud and run 3D-OutDet on it, then the node will publish the filtered point cloud which can be accessed with the topic name/desnowed_cloud