- Install Node.js
- Open a console and go to the project directory
- Write "npm i -g jake" to install the jake tool globally.
- Write "npm i" to install all package dependencies
- Build TinyMCE by writing "jake"
Runs the minifyjs, less, jshint build tasks.
jake -T
List all build tasks.
jake minify
Compiles the core classes, plugins and themes into minified versions.
jake less
Compiles all LESS based skins into css files that can be included in the browser.
jake jshint
Runs all js code though jshint.
jake eslint
Runs all js code though eslint.
jake release
Builds release packages with the version specified in changelog.txt.
jake bundle[themes:*]
Bundles all themes into the tinymce core js files.
jake bundle[plugins:*]
Bundles all plugins into the tinymce core js files.
jake minify bundle[themes:modern,plugins:table,paste]
Minifies the core, adds the modern theme and adds the table and paste plugin into tinymce.min.js.
You can read more about how to contribute to this project at http://www.tinymce.com/develop/contributing.php