This container can be installed as BIBBOX APP or standalone.
- after the docker installation follow these instructions
Clone the github repository. If necessary change the ports in the environment file .env
and the volume mounts in docker-compose.yml
git clone
cd app-mantis
chmod 777 data/
docker-compose up -d
The main app can be opened and set up at
Visit the BIBBOX page and find the App by its name in the Store. Click on the symbol and select Install. Then fill the parameters below and name your app click install again.
- MARIADB_USER_ENV = User for Postges DB
- MARIADB_USER_PW = Password for Postgres DB
- MARIADB_ROOT_PW = ROOT Password for Postgres DB
The default values for the standalone installation are:
- MARIADB_USER_ENV = Default Value
- MARIADB_USER_PW = changethispasswordinproductionenvironments
- MARIADB_ROOT_PW = changethisrootpasswordinproductionenvironments
- ./data/var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql