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PhenoTips can be installed as BIBBOX APP or standalone.


  • approx. time with medium fast internet connection: 15 minutes
  • initial user/passwordd: Admin / admin
  • This container can be installed as BIBBOX APP or standalone.
  • After the docker installation follow these instructions

Standalone Installation

Clone the github repsoitory and start the If necessary change the ports and volume mounts in docker-compose.yml.

sudo git clone
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./`

After the installation (might take a few minutes) you need to make some configuration follow these instructions.

The main app can be opened at


Install within BIBBOX

Within BIBBOX you can use the BIBBOX to install a lot of software tools. After the installation you will find your application in the dashboard. You need to make some configuration before you can use the application please follow these instructions.

Docker Images Used

Install Environment Variables

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = password, only used within the docker container
  • MYSQL_DATABASE = name of the mysql database, typical phenotips. The DB file is stored in the mounted volume
  • MYSQL_USER = name of the mysql user, typical phenotips
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD = mysql user password, only used within the docker container

Mounted Volumes

  • ./data/phenotips/extapi
  • ./data/var/lib/mysql