This container can be installed as BIBBOX APP or standalone.
After the installation follow these instructions
- just play and have fun
Within BIBBOX you can use the BIBBOX to install a lot of software tools. After the installation is finished you can start your application in the dashboard.
To install the app locally execute the commands:
- Clone the git repository:
git clone
- Change the current directory to app-open-cravat:
cd app-solitaire/
- Create the docker network
:docker network create bibbox-default-network
- Run docker-compose up in the root folder of the project:
docker-compose up -d
- Alternatively on a Linux system run the bash script
after cloning and change the working directory to the git repository directory.
After the installation (might take a few minutes) open http://localhost:8080 in your browser to access Open Cravat.