An ASP.NET Core 2 Web Application for organizing, listening to, and viewing personal media files. In order to get up and running with this project, there're a few things that you need to check.
Make sure that you set up a database connection string. Do that in the command prompt:
dotnet user-secrets set DefaultConnection <your database connection string>
For example:
dotnet user-secrets set DefaultConnection Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=MyArts;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
There are migrations for ApplicationDbContext that have not been applied to the database
- 00000000000000_CreateIdentitySchema
- 20180120224642_CustomizedApplicationUser
- 20180123125905_MediaFileId
In Visual Studio, you can use the Package Manager Console to apply pending migrations to the database:
PM> Update-Database
Alternatively, you can apply pending migrations from a command prompt at your project directory:
> dotnet ef database update