A PHP library for interfacing with Omniva (former Estonian Postal Service) web API-s without dealing with SOAP (too much).
Via Composer
$ composer require bigbank/omniva
The library requires PHP >=5.6
, curl
, soap
and openssl
// Instantiate the main class
$omniva = new Omniva;
// Ask for a service (see: Services)
$addressSearchService = $omniva->getService(AddressSearchInterface::class)
// Get a list of all matching addresses for a partial input
$addresses = $addressSearchService->findAddresses('Tartu mnt 18');
Example implementation in examples/search-address.php can be run with
$ OMNIVA_PASSWORD="<secret-string>" php examples/search-address.php
To use a HTTP proxy, set HTTP_PROXY
environment variable.
The library provides access to the following services:
Get a list of physical addresses based on a partial input. Useful for applications like address auto-complete.
- Interface name:
- Omniva service name:
- WSDL: https://otseturundus.post.ee/aadressid/ws/singleAddress2_5_1.wsdl
$addressSearchService = $omniva->getService(AddressSearchInterface::class)
->findAddresses('Tartu mnt 18');
You can change the URL of the Omniva API endpoint by manually instantiating AddressSearch
$addressSearchService = new AddressSearch(
new SingleAddress2_5_1PortTypeService($soapOptions, $wsdlUrl),
new SingleAddress2_5_1Request
[0] => Array
[address] => Eesti Vabariik, Tartu maakond, Elva linn, Tartu maantee 18
[addressNumber] => 18
[county] => Tartu maakond
[countyId] => 0078
[designation] =>
[flatNumber] =>
[latitude] => 641443.84
[level] => A7
[longitude] => 6457217.29
[mailboxType] =>
[mainAddress] =>
[municipality] => Elva linn
[municipalityId] => 0170
[municipalityType] => linn
[nationalAddressId] => 7817000000000002H000019HC00000000
[omnivaAddressId] => 3702034
[postalIndex] => 61505
[postOfficeBoxNumber] =>
[settlement] =>
[settlementId] => 0000
[settlementType] =>
[status] => Kontrollitud, kehtiv
[territorialAddress] =>
[territorialAddressType] =>
[trafficSurface] => Tartu maantee
[trafficSurfaceType] => tee
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
$ composer test
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Definitions for terms used by Omniva API-s (in Estonian):
- EHAK - Eesti haldus- ja asustusjaotuse klassifikaator
- ADS - Aadressiandmete süsteem
- Põhiaadress - See on vajalik juhul kui objektil on küll mitu aadressi kuid aktiivselt kasutatakse ühte nendest ja teine on varuks. Näiteks kui on tegu tänava nurgal oleva majaga, millel on kaks aadressi. Hoone peasissekäik on ühelt tänavalt ja see aadress oleks sel juhul põhiaadress.
These materials (in Estonian) help to understand the address domain.
- Kohanimed Aadressiandmete Süsteemis, Maa-Amet 2008
- L-EST97 Eesti Geodeetiline süsteem
- ADS kontseptsioon
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The Apache 2.0 License (Apache-2.0). Please see License File for more information.