Luna is a static site generator written in rust that takes in markdown and generates a fully working static site!
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To build the project, you will need a working rust enviroment.
To get the dev enviroment running, first clone the repo
git clone
and then cd into it.
cd luna
You can then run the project
cargo run
Using luna is simple. Just use luna new <name>
to generate a new project. This creates a folder with a luna.ini config file, and a templates
and posts
folder. In the templates folder, there are 3 files: home.html, post.html and posts.html. These are templates for your posts. In the posts folder, there are markdown documents, which have a front matter defining data and then the post body. Run luna serve
to generate and serve your files. Run luna generate
to build your html.