A currently highly indev project aiming to give the experience of games like Terraria and Starbound whilst being open-source and community-driven. Further information can be found in the blocktest HackMD account.
A screenshot (taken Mar. 17th, 2021 of the Unity version) displaying the features which are already functional, most importantly the building system.
Find the latest releases here. All you need to do is download the correct file for your system, unzip the file, and run the executable.
Blocktest will run in local mode by default. To connect to a server, it must be run with the arguments "connect <ip>". For localhost this is "connect localhost".
- Follow MonoGame's getting started guide
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork with git
- Open solution file (Blocktest.sln) in Visual Studio
- Edit the code
- Commit and push all the changes you want with git
- Make a pull request!
After making a change to the shared project, you may need to use the "dotnet clean" and "dotnet build" commands on the shared project to make the changes appear in your dev environment.
To report an issue, please fill out a bug report here so that developers can quickly respond to the bug.