This is the repo for knap command line:
✔ $ ./knap-cli
knap-cli is used to create and manage knap application easily
knap [command]
Available Commands:
bindService [Not implemented] Bind a service to one application
create Create a new knap appengine
delete Delete a knap appengine
edit Edit a knap appengine
get Get a knap appengine detail
help Help about any command
list List all knap appengines
logs Get a knap appengine logs
marketplace [Not implemented] Show service marketplace
services [Not implemented] Show all services
spaces [Not implemented] Show all spaces
templates List all knap templates
version Print the version number of knap cli
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.knap.yaml)
-h, --help help for knap
-v, --verbose Print API request diagnostics to stdout
Use "knap [command] --help" for more information about a command.
✘-1 $ ./knap-cli create helloworld -r -v master -s 2 -t build-and-deploy-pipeline
Application engine helloworld is created successfully
✔ $ ./knap-cli list
Application Name Version Ready Instance Domain
helloworld-appengine 1 Running 1/2
picalc-appengine 1 Running 1/1
There are 2 application engine(s)
✔ $ ./knap-cli get helloworld-appengine
Application Name: helloworld-appengine
Application Version: 1
Application Git Repo:
Application Git Revision: master
Application Template: build-and-deploy-pipeline
Application Ready: Running
Application Status: Succeeded
Application Instance: 1
Application Size: 2
Application Domain:
✔ $ ./knap-cli templates
Template Name Template Flow
build-and-deploy-pipeline source-to-image -> deploy-to-cluster
build-and-deploy-test-pipeline source-to-image -> deploy-to-cluster -> test-on-cluster
more-complex-pipeline source-to-image -> deploy-to-cluster -> blue-green-upgrade
There are 3 template(s)