Releases: bluerobotics/BlueOS
Releases · bluerobotics/BlueOS
What's Changed
- core: Allow getting ssh user and password from environment variables #2998
- core: Correct name of "Bag of Holding" #3003
- core: Fix commonwealh packages structure and json dumps for modern Pydantic versions #3001
- core: libs:commonwealth: Unify dump in pydantic save #3002
- core: services: cable_guy: Fix root path not working #3011
- core: services: helper: Add root page #3012
- frontend: Fix docker name validation logic #2939
- workflows: delete docs-check.yml #3010
Full Changelog: 1.4.0-beta.6...1.4.0-beta.7
What's Changed
- frontend: components: parameter-editor: ParameterLoader: Add delay in tooltips #2990
- frontend: components: parameter-editor: ParameterLoader: Improve style #2992
- frontend: add 'soc' option when looking for temperature source #2999
- frontend: Camera setup: fix wrong description #2997
- frontend: Add H265 support endpoint for camera manager #2995
- core: tools: mavlink_camera_manager: Update to t3.17.0 #2994
- Change DHCP range api and set server as default mode #2988
- README: update docs links #3000
Full Changelog: 1.4.0-beta.5...1.4.0-beta.6
What's Changed
- core: Autopilot Manager: pass process pid as string when using 'kill' #2982
- core: helper: Allow set source IP on speedtest #2985
- core: commonwealth: Change logfile name #2970
- core: tools: mavlink_server: Update to 0.3.0 #2987 #2978 #2976
- frontend: add Navigator64 to list of linux boards in Autopilot.vue #2951
- frontend: defaultParameterLoader: add trailing slash to filters #2986
- frontend: parameter-table: allow using metadata override #2983
- install: Switch blueos-bootstrap from rc.local to systemd #2979
New Contributors
- @itskalvik made their first contribution in #2979
Full Changelog: 1.4.0-beta.4...1.4.0-beta.5
What's Changed
- frontend:
- devicePathHelper: add support for Pi5 usb ports #2955
- ethernet: add tooltip informing why the DHCP server button is disabled #2958
- Extension manager view: Allow users to download streamed ext logs as files #2963
- Fix UI description in bridges #2954
- VehicleSetup: Add not safe overlay #2957
- VehicleSetup: CompassDisplay: display GpsYaw when it is available #2965
- VehicleSetup: fix issue in vehciles with more than 3 compasses #2964
- core:
- Address all changes suggested by docker build checks #2944
- ArdupilotManager: Add fallback for first available router in case of invalid preferred one #2933
- ArdupilotManager: add navigator64 support #2935
- ArdupilotManager: fix issue when sitl_frame is not set in the settings file #2946
- ArdupilotManager: Fix pkill to kill #2959
- ArdupilotManager: Move from Ardu to Auto names only (Serial PX4 support part 4) #2941
- ArdupilotManager: use stable-4.5.0 version for built-in firmware defaults #2949
- Pi4/Pi5 tweaks in AutopilotManager and startup #2961
- tools: mavlink-camera-manager: Update to t3.16.1 #2968
- tools: mavlink-server: Change to 0.1.0 #2947
Full Changelog: 1.4.0-beta.3...1.4.0-beta.4
What's Changed
- CI: test-and-deploy: Disable fail-fast #2936
- CI: use sanitized platform name for deployment #2937
- core: AutoPilot Manager: Isolate mavlink proxy types and endpoints - (Serial PX4 support part 3) #2940
Full Changelog: 1.4.0-beta.2...1.4.0-beta.3
What's Changed
- frontend: Add camera configuration UI #2857
- frontend: add other missing NotSafeOverlays #2906
- frontend: Autopilot: add missing NotSafeOverlay import #2904
- frontend: Create widget to show upload/download speeds #2890
- frontend: Create "safe mode" #2888
- frontend: Fix service links when using IPv6 addresses #2911
- frontend: Improve remote access support #2815
- frontend: Show topbar icons for 2 Gps systems, display yaw if available #2909
- core: Add MAVLinkServer #2930
- core: Automatically switch boards in firmware installs that implies in board change #2903
- core: Autopilot Manager: Fix multiple starts race when setting preferred router #2932
- core: autopilot_fw_decoder: bump to current ardupilot master #2914
- core: blueos_startup_update: fix dwc2 patch using [pi4] on pi5 #2926
- core: Cable_guy: refactor for adding NetworkManager support #2682
- core: Cable-guy: DHCP servers with unspecified lease ranges now serve 101-200 #2912
- core: Changes in nginx (reverted) #2918 #2917 #2913
- core: Dockerfile: remove container's /etc/dhcpcd.conf #2923
- core: Fix hotspot toggling, infinite loading on toggling error #2915
- core: Fix wifi not getting an ip address on bookworm #2919
- core: Kraken: Improve main loop tasks and add exp delay to avoid flooding #2922
- core: Move args to module AutopilotManager - (Serial PX4 support part 2) #2901
- core: Move AutoPilot API to dedicated module and split in V1 and V2 - (Serial PX4 support part 1) #2900
- core: Move callPeriodicaly from video.ts to OneMoreTime #2887
- core: services: kraken: config: Avoid redirect #2925
- core: tools: linux2rest: Update to 0.6.2 #2897
- core: Update blueos-base, new GStreamer 1.24.8, libcamera 0.3.1 #2436
- core: version chooser: fix yarl version #2931
- core: wifi: stop leaking sensitive data #2928
- bootstrap: Add custom environment variables in bootstrap #2910
- Install: kraken: Add retries and increase timeout in fetch major_tom install data #2920
- install: Update curl lias with retry-delay and connection-timeout #2927 #2929
- ci: add Pi5 and Pi4-boorkworm image deployments #2908
- ci: test nginx configuration in CI #2916
Full Changelog: 1.4.0-beta.1...1.4.0-beta.2
What's Changed
- frontend: Add sentry feedback option in Report Menu #2873
- frontend: Add sentry reports for official only #2877
- frontend: ExtManagerView: Add bazaar iframe from bag URL in bazaar tab #2849
- frontend: Move to OneMoreTime in .ts stores #2879
- frontend: Move to use OneMoreTime in .vue pages #2872
- frontend: Remove slash from sentry release #2870
- core: Add basic init steps needed for PX4 wakeup #2867
- core: Add new entry for mavlink2rest in default ArdupilotManager endpoints #2876
- core: ArdupilotManager: fix loading sitl frame #2895
- core: ArdupilotManager: generate serial command line options in ardupilotmanager instead of boards #2885
- core: blueos_startup_update, commonwealth: extract cpu/host detection to commonwealth #2882
- core: Fix endpoint comparison, always overwrite mavlink2rest one #2875
- core: Handle (for now) unsupported hotspot functionality in bookworm #2881
- core: Improve IPv6 support #2894
- core: versionchooser: bump dockerhub page_size to 200 #2891
- install: add board setup file for pi5 #2884
- install: don't force kernel version if not on bullseye #2883
- install: Linux refactor to improve rasp 5 support #2678
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- Frontend:
- Add button for resetting parameters to firmware defaults #2453
- Add cache headers for logviewer and assets folder #2479
- Add Cloud Tray Menu with Install Major Tom and Join cloud functionality #2577
- Add extra check for empty file input in version chooser manual upload #2428
- Add failsafe configurations #2748
- Add interface for automatic motor reversion detection #2760
- Add interface for Gyro calibration #2806
- Add MAVLink logs size checking and removal in gear menu #2865
- Add missing failsafe parameter for rover #2828
- Add new dev mode #2754 #2799
- Add path check prior to pushing repeated path in router when using logo to navigate to home #2533
- Add plain shader loading overlay in BrIframe #2530
- Add PX4 parameter metadata #2728
- Add sentry #2858
- Add vehicle calibration #2339 #2451 #2503 #2558 #2554 #2505
- Allow non semver versions tags to be used in extensions #2827
- Allow reversing motors in the frontend #2565
- Allow uninstalling extension from modal #2499
- App: Fix v-stepper disappearing when the screen width is small #2493
- Asyncfy loading some things #2470
- BackAlleyTab: Fix internet offline icon #2851
- Beautify extension details page to be responsive and add support for permissions editing #2853
- BrIframe: Avoid set canvas width when its not rendered #2730
- Change Create/Edit extension card top differ from Create and Editing operations #2831
- Cloud_tray_menu: Fix set major tom token in bag to not delete other existing keys #2683
- CloudTrayMenu: Add try to auto install Major Tom #2816
- CloudTrayMenu: Use new Major Tom URL #2742
- Compass calibration: add more calibration information and different calibration levels #2800
- Compass calibration: do not cleanup on error #2582
- Compass Display: Fix ekf arrow being black #2759
- Components: system-information: Network: Sort order of interfaces #2515
- Components: SystemCondition: Improve temperature code #2485
- Cosmos: Add last #2488
- Create component for parameter loading #2769
- Create reboot button component #2808
- Enhancement Network Connection Detection in BeaconTray #2440
- ExtCreationModal: Fix v-model in permissions field #2843
- ExtCreationModal: Use correct v-model #2844
- Extensions: Add sort on extension tags based on semantic versions #2586
- Extensions: Allow only updates to more recent versions in Installed Extension Card #2598
- Extensions: Beautify page #2735 #2798 #2784 #2777 #2782
- Extensions: Fix single extension card min width #2625
- Extensions: Fix stream messages #2601
- Extensions: Improve contrast between background, buttons and cards #2611
- Extensions: raise error if tag is included in docker name #2545
- ExtManagerView: Fix passing a reference of installed extension to edit extension card #2829
- Filebrowser: Pass urls through url #2814
- Firmware: Increase timeout time in fetch firmware #2608
- Fix check for heartbeat #2718
- Fix device decoder #2514
- Fix error message in fetch available devices on VideoManager #2740
- Fix flickering problem in NMEA injector page #2452
- Fix off-by-8 issue with pixhawk channels #2802
- Fix parameters name in ParameterLoader #2458
- Fix tooltip typo #2517
- Fix vehicle image #2810
- GpsTrayMenu: Add menu and more information #2764
- GpsTrayMenu: First version #2713 #2726
- GpsTrayMenu: Move to satellite icon #2746
- HealthTrayMenu: Fix 'loading...' temperature on PIs #2753
- Hide camera and gripper tabs from vehicle setup #2559
- Improve extension page UI #2492
- Improved CSS on Vehicle setup / IMU pages #2638
- Increase timeout in fetch manifest operation at Extension Manager #2575
- Index.html: add meta tags and headers to avoid caching index.html #2834
- InlineParameterEditor: prevent submitting form #2807
- Install vehicle scripts from wizard #2487
- Kraken: Add continuous logging for better Extensions debugging #2852
- Kraken: Remove number of downloads #2805
- Mavlink Endpoints: improve validation #2749
- OnboardSensors: Add celsius support #2571
- OnboardSensors: fix internal baro showing as water pressure sensor #2570
- ParameterLoader: Fix invalid parameter loaded from file #2734
- PowerMenu: reorder options with increasing severity #2563
- Refactor COMMAND_LONG code #2504
- Reset params and metadata after firmware flashing #2758
- Small calibration fixes #2794
- Store: Add new filters and sorts #2837
- StoreExtensionCard: Sort archs before showing #2795
- StreamCreatingDialog: Fix URI prefix #2839
- Try to load apropriate metadata files for ardupilot #2739
- Vehicle setup: Update paths #2813
- Vehicle-setup: Fix typo #2719
- VehicleBanner: Fix custom vehicle and company logic #2860
- VersionChooser: Add internet checking prior to fetch remote tags #2732
- VersionChooser: Disable delete button if two images or less are available #2707
- VersionChooser: Make bootstrap update less dangerous #2711
- VideoStreamCreation: Add more RTSPs variants (through UDP, TCP) #2741
- Wifi: Fix smart hotspot status #2765
- Wifi: make it clear we are still scanning for networks #2621
- Wizard: ActionStepper: Disable checkboxes after all configuration is done #2710
- Wizard: ActionStepper: Remove check if action is done #2709
- Wizard: Add better parameters description table #2590
- Wizard: DefaultParamLoader: Fix Unknown values #2783
- Wizard: Make parameters and scripts loader update based on is_online #2581
- Wizard: RequireInternet: Decrease time check #2708
- Core:
- Add force tag when deleting images in version chooser #2459
- Add image check before updating bootstrap in version chooser #2528
- Add missing aarch64 binaries #2686
- Add pixhawk6c support #2550
- Add prefixed cache folder for mypy and add it in gitignore #2587
- Add support for Arduino based controllers #2456
- Allow user to disable startup update script #2443
- ardupilot manager: update default firmware to Sub 4.1.2 #2457
- ardupilot_manager: Add cache for board detection #2600
- ardupilot_manager: add missing async/await #2636
- ardupilot_manager: Ardupilot fix usage of udp serial port #2626
- ardupilot_manager: Reduce verbosity when there's no board running #2662
- ArdupilotManager: Fix wrong detection of x86 #2615
- ArdupilotManager: reduce verbosity #2613
- ArdupilotManager: skip some tests on MacOS #2228
- AutopilotManager: Add further error handling to decrease log verbosity #2681
- AutopilotManager: Add support for Numbered betas for ardupilot #2840
- AutopilotManager: don't request streamrates with mavp2p #2825
- blueos_startup_update: Add boot-loop detection #2651
- blueos_startup_update: Add linting check #2645
- blueos_startup_update: Add support for platform-specific patches #2643
- blueos_startupe blueos-base v0.2.0 #2663
- Dockerfile: Use heredocs for a beter syntax and reduce number of layers #2632
- Fix cgroups binds with host computer #2623
- Fix invalid reference on install in kraken #2553
- Fix issue where the extension was being removed when the vehicle was offline
- Fix random W0406 by pylint in module imports in #2616
- Helper: Add device uuid information #2838
- helper: Fix ttyd not being detected (deal with gzip file type) #2745
- Helper: Improve logging #2818
- Implements is_valid_version in version chooser to avoid setting a version that does not exists locally #2546
- Improve Bridges #2322
- Kraken: Add authentication for private container registry when installing from raw body #2660
- kraken: Add check for compatibility of arch in extension store #2486
- kraken: Add checks when starting offline #2736
- Kraken: Add default extensions #2656
- Kraken: Add docker wrapper module with async context to manage containers and related operations #2640
- Kraken: Add extension Module V2 #2641
- Kraken: Add Manifest V2 with multiple manifest support #2607
- kraken: Add special case for 64bit kernel and 32bit userland for bookworm on pi5 #2614
- kraken: add try/except block when starting containers #2544
- Kraken: Allow usage via command line #2624
- Kraken: Check disk space before installing extensions #2689
- kraken: Fix install from outside manifest #2557
- Kraken: Fix non restarting on atomic install kraken #2773
- Kraken: Handle operations better #2680
- Kraken: Improve main loop checks and modify raw body install to be atomic #2676
- Kraken: Move API to dedicated module #2604
- libs: common: streaming: Reduce default timeout in timeout streaming #2781
- libs: commonwealth: general: Add timeout for lsof operation #2420
- Libs: commonwealth: settings: pykson: Save in pretty json #2717
- Limit maximum docker log size #2789
- logviewer: bump version to 1.0.1 #2556
- pifile: Bump image pump to 2gb #2679
- ping: Fix duplicated ping instances #2576
- pre-push-hooks: lock dependencies #2633
- Remove limit_ram_usage in python programs #2634
- services: ardupilot_manager: MAVLinkRouter: Enable tlog #2536
- services: bag: Handle more exceptions in read #2761
- services: helper: Skip Iperf and Major Tom #2845
- services: versionchooser: chooser: Kill bootstrap over stopping #2526
- start-blueos-core: Add python bin path to PATH #2509
- start-blueos-core: Fix permission logic #2803
- tools: Add case for aarch64 camera manager #2669
- tools: Fix logviewer #2793
- tools: linux2rest: Add Aarch64 #2629
- tools: linux2rest: Update to 0.5.7 #2644
- tools: linux2rest: Update to 0.6.0 #2654
- tools: linux2rest: Update to 0.6.1 #2866
- tools: linux2rest: Update to v0.5.4 #2446
- tools: linxu2rest: Update to 0.5.5 #2603
- tools: logviewer: Create firmware logs folder b...
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 1.3.0-beta.9...1.3.0-beta.10