Helper functions to make animations of images with corresponding traces and labels using matplotlib
If you have a 3d movie (time, x, y):
from Animate.Movie import Movie
import numpy as np
m = Movie(dt=1.0 / 14, height_ratio=1.5)
img = np.random.randint(10, size=(40, 5, 5))
m.add_image(img, style='dark_img')
m.add_axis(x_label='time (s)', y_label='value')
m.add_trace(img.mean(axis=(1, 2)))'path/to/file/with_name', fps=1)
If you have a 2d movie (x, y) where you want to have a sliding window movie:
import numpy as np
from Animate.Movie import Movie
# prepare data
x_len = 300
x_res = 20.0
y_amplitude = 20
noise_amplitude = 5
x = np.arange(x_len) / x_res
y = np.sin(x) * y_amplitude
pix_number = 10
img = np.random.randint(0, noise_amplitude, size=pix_number*x_len).reshape(pix_number, x_len) + y
# make a movie
rate = 5.0
m = Movie(dt=1.0/rate)
m.add_image(img, animation_type='window', window_size=19, window_step=5)
m.add_axis('Time (s)', 'Mean value')
m.add_trace(img.mean(axis=0))'testing', fps=rate)
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