Soccer analytics leveraging Flink. Solution to DEBS 2013 Grand Challenge.
Coursework in Systems and Architectures for Big Data 2016/2017
The system needs to be provided with the following packages:
- Java >= 1.8.0
- Maven >= 3.5.0
- Hadoop = 2.8.0
- Flink = 1.3.0 (scala 2.11)
- Kafka >=
- ElasticSearch >= 5.5.0
and the following environment variables, pointing to the respective package home directory:
Build the application for a specific query:
$> mvn clean package
Start the environment:
$socstream_home> bash
Visit the Flink web dashboard at http://localhost:8081.
The general job submission is as follows:
$flink_home> bin/flink jar <SOCSTREAM-JAR> [QUERY] [QUERY_OPTS]
- [SOCSTREAM-JAR] is the local absolute path to the Socstream's JAR;
- [QUERY] is the name of the Socstream query to execute;
- [QUERY_OPTS] are query arguments (e.g. --optName optValue).
Notice that the following map/reduce programs are available:
- socstream-query-1 the 1st query, leveraging ... ;
- socstream-query-2 the 2nd query, leveraging ... ;
- socstream-query-3 the 3rd query, leveraging ... .
The job can be interrupted typing Ctrl+C.
Read the output:
$hadoop_home> bin/hadoop hdfs -cat [RESULT]/*
where [RESULT] is the HDFS directory of results.
Stop the environment:
$socstream_home> bash
First you need to create the Kafka topic socstream
$> sudo ${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic socstream
Test the topic creation:
$> sudo ${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
Push data via the Kafka producer, manually:
$socstream_home> bash
or, push bulk data via the Kafka producer:
$socstream_home> cat [YOUR_FILE] | bash
where [YOUR_FILE] is the absolute path to a file containing the dataset.
The name of the Elasticsearch cluster must be: my-es-cluster
You can find here the Postman documentation with all
of the REST calls to setup and query the Elasticsearch cluster.
Create the Elasticsearch index socstream
with mapping query-1
and mapping schema
"properties": {
"tsStart": {"type": "date"},
"tsStop": {"type": "date"},
"pid": {"type": "long"},
"totalDistance": {"type": "double"},
"averageSpeed": {"type": "double"}
Create the Elasticsearch index socstream
with mapping query-2
and mapping schema
"properties": {
"tsStart": {"type": "date"},
"tsStop": {"type": "date"},
"rank": {
"properties": {
"pid": {"type": "long"},
"averageSpeed": {"type": "double"}
Create the Elasticsearch index socstream
with mapping query-3
and mapping schema
"properties": {
"ts": {"type": "date"},
"pid": {"type": "long"},
"cells": {
"properties": {
"cid": {"type": "text"},
"presence": {"type": "double"}
The 1st query can be executed running:
$socstream_home> bash
The output is saved to ${FLINK_HOME}/log/*.out.
The 2nd query can be executed running:
$socstream_home> bash
The output is saved to ${FLINK_HOME}/log/*.out.
The 3rd query can be executed running:
$socstream_home> bash
The output is saved to ${FLINK_HOME}/log/*.out.
The dataset is provided by DEBS Grand Challenge commitee and can be downloaded from here.
Giacomo Marciani, [email protected]
Michele Porretta, [email protected]
Christopher Mutschler, Holger Ziekow, and Zbigniew Jerzak. 2013. The DEBS 2013 grand challenge. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Distributed event-based systems (DEBS '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 289-294. DOI
The project is released under the MIT License.