pacman -S \
sway \
bemenu \
foot \
mako \
swayidle \
swaylock \
waybar \
udiskie \
pamixer \
brightnessctl \
ripgrep \
xdg-user-dirs \
xdg-utils \
ttf-hack-nerd \
ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd \
noto-fonts \
noto-fonts-cjk \
noto-fonts-emoji \
noto-fonts-extra \
bash-completion \
git \
# Install auracle
auracle clone \
clipman \
grimshot \
ly \
wev \
Clone and follow default bash+git install, except for bash-it which should be integrated into .bashrc that will be symlinked below.
# Top Level
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_bashrc $HOME/.bashrc
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_gitignore $HOME/.gitignore
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_ignore $HOME/.ignore
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_inputrc $HOME/.inputrc
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_profile $HOME/.profile
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_psqlrc $HOME/.psqlrc
mkdir $HOME/.bin
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/ $HOME/.bin/sb
# Linux specific
ln -s $HOME/.dot-files/_gpg-agent.conf $HOME/.gpg-agent.conf
# Config
mkdir -p $HOME/.config
ln -s \
$HOME/.dot-files/_config/nvim \
# Linux specific
ln -s \
$HOME/.dot-files/_config/foot \
$HOME/.dot-files/_config/mako \
$HOME/.dot-files/_config/sway \
$HOME/.dot-files/_config/user-dirs.dirs \
$HOME/.dot-files/_config/waybar \
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/systemd
ln -s \
$HOME/.dot-files/_config/systemd/user/* \
# Enable batwarn systemd timer
systemctl --user enable batwarn.timer
systemctl --user start batwarn.timer