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Tutorials: Using Textile

phillipadsmith edited this page Aug 16, 2010 · 3 revisions

Use Text::Textile to format Paragraphs

Ad Text::Textile to an element ‘Rich Paragraph’, a
textile formatted paragraph including links, images and url’s managed by Bricolage.

An example of the mainly used Textile modifiers. The modifier ‘image’ and ‘story’ had been added and the ‘url’ modified that it can use related elements of Bricolage.

h1. Title

some text to come
some text to come
some text to come

h2. Subtitle

some text to come
some text to come
some text to come

|_ header ||
|cell 1|cell2|

* one
* two
* three



"This is the new title":story[embrelstorykey]


The formating is handled by the element template e.g.

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