Python script to take a directory of video files and transcode them. For Brian Fowler I'm hoping this script will run on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
Run the script and it takes two parameters the input dir and the output dir.
The script will recursivly search through the input directory and find files with video/* mimetype. The script will preserve the input dir directory structure in the output dir.
python <Input Dir> <Output Dir>
guessit cuz it helps me figure out what the mimetype is and other things.
pip install guessit
Also you will need HandBrakeCL for transcodey things. The Command line version is different from the normal version.
Download CLI here ---> this is wrong now....using libav
- Add ability to remove files as they are transcoded to save on disk space
- Actually do the transcoding using HandBrakeCLI
- Add a check to verify HandBrakeCLI is installed and accessabily from this script