NOTE: For an updated, optimized version of cashier that is still being currently maintained, use pycashier
Cashier is a tool to simplify extraction and error-correction of expressed barcode tags from sequencing reads.
It is basically a wrapper for cutadapt an impressive program that identifies and removes flanking adapter sequences to extract the barcodes, and starcode, a radically fast minimum levenshtein clustering tool, to compensate for sequencing error in the extracted barcodes (and UMIs).
We use it to process our barcode sequencing data from both amplicon and scRNAseq sources, and it can even work with 5' UMI adapters.
This software defaults to our particular brand of crispr/cpf1 library, but it's easily relatable to your line of work.
- cutadapt - to identify and mask adapter sequences
- fastq_quality_filter - to filter minimum base quality
- starcode - to cluster UMIs and barcodes using a levenshtein distance network and message passing clustering (min centroid-point clustering threshold at default 5 to 1)
To extract barcode sequences from amplicon data (our crispr gRNA barcode adapters as default):
cashier_extract -i 1K.raw.fastq
Adapted for your adapters:
cashier_extract -i 1K.raw.fastq -u <upstream adapter sequence> -d <downstream adapter sequence>
To extract barcode and UMI sequences from amplicon data:
cashier_extract -i 1K.raw.fastq --umi
To cluster UMI and barcode sequences for a particular sample: -i sample_1.umi.barcode.tsv --distance 1
Right now we build quite a few intermediate files, so please bear with us.
<sample_name.umi.barcode.tsv> has your groceries.
cashier_extract -i <input_file>
-V show version
-v verbose mode (shows all bash executions)
-i | --input <input fastq file>
-u | --upstream_sequence <DNA sequence upstream or 5' of barcode on sequencing read>
-d | --downstream_sequence <DNA sequence downstream or 3' of barcode on sequencing read>
-bl | --barcode_length <integer length of expected barcode (20)>
-e | --error_rate allowed error tolerance in adapters (0.1)
-q | --min_quality <minimum PHRED quality required of all barcode bases>
-umi | --umi perform UMI extraction as well for UMIs 5' of upstream sequence
-ul | --umi_length <integer length of expected UMI (16)>
-t | --trim <integer # bases to trim on 5' end of read until UMI sequence (0)>
-ul | --unlinked_adapters perform adaptor sequence trimming sequentially
-j | --threads number of cpu cores to use (1)
DEFAULTS to the following properties sutiable for our patented tool "COLBERT", a transduced expressed gRNA barcode library developed by Aziz Al'Khafaji in the Brock Lab to trace cell lineages:
upstream (5') adapter sequence: ATCTTGTGGAAAGGACGAAACACCG
downstream (3') adapter sequence: GTTTTAGAGCTAGAAATAGCAAGTT
barcode length: 20bp
umi length: 16bp uses starcode to run levenshtein-distance clustering on a file, then join those cluster centroids with the original data -i <input readname-umi-barcode.tsv file>
-i | --input <tab-separated input input file>
-c | --columns the columns you want to cluster (can be comma-saparated list)
-V | --version show version and exit
-v | --verbose verbose mode - all bash executions will be printed
-d | --distance <int minimum levenshtein distance for clustering>
-uo | --umi-only skip barcodes when performing clustering
-t | --threads number of cpu cores to use (1)
-s | --spherical use spherical rather than message-passage clustering