This repository contains post processing scripts and notebooks to reproduce the results presented in the manuscript Sediments in sea ice drive the Canada Basin surface Mn maximum: insights from an Arctic Mn ocean model by B. Rogalla, S. E. Allen, M. Colombo., P. G. Myers, K. J. Orians (2022). It is divided into:
- forcing - Notebooks that are used to create the forcing files of the Mn model.
- paper materials - Notebooks that are used to create the figures and tables in the paper. File naming conventions; if the Jupyter Notebook starts with:
- "S" --> supplementary materials
- "M" --> methods
- "R" --> results
- "D" --> discussion
- "E" --> extra
The following number(s) corresponds to the paper element number. Background maps are loaded as pickles to speed up the plotting. These pickles are created in the notebook "map-pickles.ipynb".
- calculations - Mixture of bash scripts to calculate monthly averages, python code to calculate Mn transport, and notebooks used for simple calculations.