A playwright browser instance that autorefreshes pages and keeps a session alive
The easiest way to deploy the browser is docker
version: '3'
container_name: persistent-browser
image: persistent-browser:latest
restart: always
network_mode: host
Then run test script in src/client/
const { setPageToBeReloaded, sleep } = require('../helpers/helpers.js');
const {getPage} = require('./page-controller.js');
(async () => {
const page = await getPage("test-id");
await setPageToBeReloaded(page, true)
await page.screenshot({ path: '../media/sannysoft.png' });
Two scripts run independently with pm2:
- start-server: starts a express server and wait for incoming GET requests that contain a pageId, it then calls a script that opens a new persistent content and applies the id
- page-reloader: connects to the running brower instance and uses the custom set local storage values in each page to determine if it needs to be reloaded or not
The page-controller script in src/client acts as an intermediate, calling it will get either a new page or an old page depending on the page custom id.
There are multiple cases in web automation scenarios when you need a persistent browser that runs 24/7, especially when 2fa is in play and there is a session expiery