Major release
Versioning according to SemVer now - as this prototype is used in production it should be a major release and further updates will adhere to major/minor/patch/pre-release numbers.
Changes since last minor release:
- Add JSBeautifier to tidy up files after JS build instead of erroring out and manually having to change indentation etc
- Add getUrlParams util method
- Add more JS documentation
- Optimise build task order
- Remove 'partial' build task
- Remove Less sourcemaps
- Add KSS styleguide
- Add Windows/Mac line endings super improverer
- Add Auto build JS documentation task
- Add default icon font set to build from
- Tidy up prototype index page
- Add CSSComb task to run after a Less build
- Restructure Less files as other projects
- Unpublish legacy stylesheet pages (keep in, see how KSS goes)