- 🔭 I’m currently working on Google Cloud Secutiry and Privacy
- 🌱 I’m currently trying to learn Full-Stack development with React.js and Golang
- 🥅 My Goal: Contributing as much as possible to Open Source Projects
- ⚡ Fun fact: Coder by day and gamer by night
Personal Blogs
Semantic Segmentation using Python and OpenCV
Face Recognition using Python and OpenCV
Face Detection using Python and OpenCV
Simple Document Scanner using Python and OpenCV
Custom NGINX Error Pages
Medium Blogs
Multiple git accounts in one machine
Daily Coding Problem: Problem #10
Daily Coding Problem: Problem #6
Daily Coding Problem: Problem #5
Daily Coding Problem: Problem #12
StackOverflow Activity
Answer by bumblebee for Can someone please explain to me why clearing a dictionary after it's been appended to a list wipes out the list? Do I have to commit it somehow?
Answer by bumblebee for Using python output xml
Answer by bumblebee for recursive function does not work as expected
Answer by bumblebee for Why is only one RabbitMQ consumer receiving all the messages when I have two consumer threads going?
Answer by bumblebee for Python3 Run function while there is internet connection + check connection every x min