Build a ReactJS (preferable) or AngularJS 1.x application ( written in ES6 JavaScript ) which would use:
- Bootstrap 3
- Babel compiler
- Webpack
to deliver required functionality.
The application should:
- have the usual bootstrap top level menu bar which only displays the name of the user (hardcoded) on the right hand side
- have the secondary menu bar right below the main one which would be used for displaying ui dropdowns with links which would allow the user to access required sections
- allow the user to add / edit / view / remove video information record (use cookie storage or the application state store for this)
- allow the user to list all added video info records with snapshot thumbnail images displayed and pagination
- allow the user to click the snapshot thumbnail and see the actual video snapshot
User should be able to create a video information record with the following attributes
- title
- video snapshot thumbnail url
- video snapshot url
- description
Cover the video adding and listing functionality with tests but don't aim for 100% coverage. Choose important elements which should be covered on your own.
The application should:
- use npm packages to gain access to almost all required JS libraries (except boostrap)
- load Bootstrap JS and CSS code outside of babel + webpack pipeline
- load all JS code through babel + webpack pipeline
- load all SCSS code through webpack pipeline
Please do the following:
- deliver the code either via github url or zip / tar archive
- include the ".git" folder inside the archive if you want to deliver it in this format
- provide us with few screenshots of multiple sections of the app