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Backup the prod database

Alex Saunier edited this page May 23, 2017 · 4 revisions

Create a custom backup of some database

source /opt/c2corg-docker/server-list.env

# go to the postgresql-backup composition
cd /opt/c2corg-docker/composition/production/postgresql-backup/

# enter the postgresql container
docker-compose exec postgresql bash

# pause the replication, create the dump and resume the replication
psql -U postgres -A0tc 'SELECT pg_xlog_replay_pause()'
pg_dump -U postgres -Fc --create c2corg > /var/backups/pgsql/c2corg_custom_backup.dump
psql -U postgres -A0tc 'SELECT pg_xlog_replay_resume()'

Note that you can also use the nightly backup script to backup all database in one pass, but this will overwrite the last night backup.


Get local copy of some backup file

List existing backups:

ssh "
cd /opt/c2corg-docker && source server-list.env && \
cd /opt/c2corg-docker/composition/production/postgresql-backup && source .env && \
docker-compose exec postgresql ls -la /var/backups/pgsql

Make a local copy:


ssh '
cd /opt/c2corg-docker && source server-list.env && \
cd /opt/c2corg-docker/composition/production/postgresql-backup && source .env
export POSTGRESQL_CONTAINER=`docker-compose ps -q postgresql`
docker -H $DOCKER_HOST exec $POSTGRESQL_CONTAINER cat /var/backups/pgsql/$BACKUP
' > ~/data/c2corgv6/backups/$BACKUP

Restart the replication

source /opt/c2corg-docker/server-list.env
cd /opt/c2corg-docker/composition/production/postgresql-backup/

# Replication is configured in docker-compose-initreplication.yml
# docker volume rm c2corg_pgsql_replica

docker-compose -f docker-compose-initreplication.yml create && \
docker-compose -f docker-compose-initreplication.yml up && \
docker-compose up -d

This does not remove backup files (hosted out of docker) but only reset postgresql's streaming-replication.