This project provides an SDK for Android. It allows use case categorisation, prioritisation and tokenization of payment instruments, which are retrieved using the user token created. Learn more about the InApp API on the payleven developer website.
In order to receive an API key, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected]
Include payleven repository to the list of build repositories:
repositories {
url ''
//Use the specific library version here
compile 'de.payleven.payment:inapp:1.1.0@jar'
Add payleven dependencies:
When using payleven InApp SDK
the GSON library is also required:
compile ''
Add the following permission to allow network communication:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Add the following service:
<service android:name="de.payleven.inappsdk.PaylevenCommunicationService"
Use the unique API key to authenticate your app and get an instance of PaylevenInAppClient
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private PaylevenInAppClient mPaylevenInappClient;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mPaylevenInappClient = PaylevenFactory.registerWithAPIKey(this, API_KEY);
Create an instance of the PaymentInstrument
class (a CreditCardPaymentInstrument
If it's the first time you are trying to add a payment instrument for your user, you need to create a user token, based on the user's email address.
public void addPaymentInstrument(final PaymentInstrument paymentInstrument,
@Nullable final String useCase,
AddPaymentInstrumentListener listener) {
final String userToken = getUserToken();
if (null == userToken) {
} else {
mPaylevenInappClient.addPaymentInstrument(userToken, paymentInstrument, useCase, listener);
Use the user token to retrieve the payment instruments associated to it and to a specific use case.
The list of payment instruments is sorted based on the order in which the payment instruments will be selected when making a payment.
Note: Before offering your business services, call getPaymentInstrumentsList
to make sure that the user has at least one valid (not expired) payment instrument.
public void getPaymentInstruments( final String userToken, final String useCase) {
mPaylevenInappClient.getPaymentInstrumentsList(userToken, useCase, new GetPaymentInstrumentsListener() {
public void onPaymentInstrumentsRetrieved(List<PaymentInstrument> paymentInstruments) {
// payment instruments were retrieved successfully
public void onPaymentInstrumentsRetrieveFailed(Throwable throwable) {
// handle payment instruments retrieval fail
To update the order in which the payment instruments will be used when making a payment, call setPaymentInstrumentsOrder
with the ordered list of payment instruments, the user token and the use case to which they belong.
public void setPaymentInstrumentsOrder(final String userToken,
final String useCase,
final List<PaymentInstrument> paymentInstruments) {
new SetPaymentInstrumentsOrderListener() {
public void onPaymentInstrumentsSetSuccessfully(int numberOfPaymentInstrumentsReordered) {
public void onPaymentInstrumentsSetFailed(Throwable throwable) {
// handle set payment instruments failed
Remove a payment instrument, belonging to a specific user token. After this, the payment instrument cannot be used to make payments for the use case to which it belonged.
public void removePaymentInstrumentFromUseCase(
final String userToken,
final PaymentInstrument paymentInstrument) {
new RemovePaymentInstrumentFromUseCaseListener() {
public void onPaymentInstrumentRemovedSuccessfully() {
public void onPaymentInstrumentRemoveFailed(Throwable throwable) {
// handle remove payment instrument failed
Edit a payment instrument, belonging to a specific user token. Possible actions are: enable, disable and validate. When the action is VALIDATE, the cvv is required.
public void editPaymentInstrument( final PaymentInstrument paymentInstrument,
final PaymentInstrumentAction action,
final String cvv,
EditPaymentInstrumentListener listener) {
mPaylevenInAppClient.editPaymentInstrument(getUserToken(), paymentInstrument,
action, cvv,
new EditPaymentInstrumentListener() {
public void onPaymentInstrumentEditedSuccessfully(
List<PaymentInstrument> paymentInstruments) {
public void onPaymentInstrumentEditFailed(Throwable throwable) {
// handle disable payment instrument failed