This is a plugin for the Atom Tool Bar package.
You can configure your toolbar buttons with a CSON
, js
, coffee
to perform specific actions in Atom
or to open web sites in your default browser.
To edit your config file,
type Flex Tool Bar: Edit Config File
in the Atom command palette.
Flex Tool Bar has five type
s you can configure:
, file
, function
, url
and spacer
creates default buttons for your toolbar.You can use it to set actions like
. -
creates buttons pointing to specific files that will be opened in Atom.You can use it to open files of nearly any kind that Atom supports, such as logs, configs or simply a project's
. -
creates buttons that can call a function with the previous target as a parameterThis requires the config file to be a
file that exports the array of buttons -
creates buttons pointing to specific web pages.Use this to open any web site, such as your GitHub notifications, in your default browser. See this feature in action in this screencast.
If you have the package browser-plus installed, you can use it to open your links. Just check the box in Flex Tool Bar's settings.
Also Atom URI are allowed. For example
will open Flex Tool Bar's settings.You can also create dynamic urls with the following placeholders:
The repo name for the current repo{repo-owner}
The GitHub user for the current repo{atom-version}
The current version of Atom
adds separators between toolbar buttons.
- multiple callbacks
- function callback
- button icons
- button text
- inline button styles
- add class(s) to buttons
- hide/disable a button in certain cases
The default iconset is Octicons (Atom's flavor).
type: "button"
tooltip: "New File"
callback: "application:new-file"
icon: "file-add"
But you can specify the following iconsets:
- Ionicons (
) - FontAwesome (
) - Foundation (
) - IcoMoon (
) - Devicon (
) - MaterialDesignIcons (
type: "button"
tooltip: "Save File"
callback: "core:save"
icon: "floppy-o"
iconset: "fa"
You can add text or html to the button.
type: "button"
text: "M"
callback: "minimap:toggle"
Set html
to true
to render the text
as html. You may combine text with an icon.
type: "button"
icon: "list-unordered"
text: "Toggle <b>Minimap</b>"
html: true
callback: "minimap:toggle"
You can use CSS styles per button.
style: {
color: "red"
background: "green"
border: "1px solid blue"
You can specify color
and background
directly as well.
color: "red"
background: "green"
you can use CSS styles for button hover per button.
hover: {
color: "green"
background: "red"
Using an array you can add your own class names to buttons. This is great if you want to take advantage of native styles like Font Awesome or if you have your own styles you prefer to keep in a stylesheet.
class: ["fa-rotate-90", "custom-class"]
callback: ["callback1", "callback2"]
callback: target ->
console.log target
You can hide or disable buttons when a certain grammar is used in the active file, a specified file is matched, a package is active, or based on a function.
If you don't know what language to use, see this issue.
If you set disable
, hide
or enable
) this way:
disable: {
grammar: "coffee"
It will disable the button if a CoffeeScript file is open.
You can also look for a specific file using globs:
show: {
pattern: "*.js"
You can also look for a specific package using:
show: {
package: "context-git"
or a specific setting using:
show: {
setting: "tree-view.autoReveal"
or pass a function that is given the current editor using:
show: {
function: (editor) -> editor.isModified()
🚨 Functions are polled every 300ms by default (this can be changed in the settings) to check for changes. This could affect performance in Atom if long running operations are handled in the function.
Of course, you can set it as an array.
disable: {
grammar: [
You can use !
in grammar and package 😆
hide: {
grammar: "!Markdown"
This will hide button when opened any file except Markdown.
show: {
grammar: "Markdown"
This is same above.
type: "url"
icon: "octoface"
url: ""
tooltip: "Github Page"
type: "spacer"
type: "button"
icon: "document"
callback: "application:new-file"
tooltip: "New File"
iconset: "ion"
mode: "dev"
type: "button"
icon: "columns"
iconset: "fa"
callback: ["pane:split-right", "pane:split-right"]
type: "button"
icon: "circuit-board"
callback: "git-diff:toggle-diff-list"
color: "#FA4F28"
color: "#FA8F28"
type: "button"
icon: "markdown"
callback: "markdown-preview:toggle"
disable: "!markdown"
type: "button"
icon: "sitemap"
iconset: "fa"
class: "fa-rotate-180"
color: "red"
background: "green"
tooltip: "This is just an example it does nothing"
type: "file"
iconset: "fa"
icon: "book"
file: ""
tooltip: "View Documentation"
type: "button"
icon: "list-unordered"
text: "Toggle <b>Minimap</b>"
html: true
callback: "minimap:toggle"
show: {
package: "minimap"
module.exports = [
type: "function"
icon: "bug"
callback: (target) ->
console.dir target
tooltip: "Debug Target"
type: "spacer"
type: "url"
icon: "octoface"
url: ""
tooltip: "Github Page"
type: "spacer"
type: "button"
icon: "document"
callback: "application:new-file"
tooltip: "New File"
iconset: "ion"
mode: "dev"
type: "button"
icon: "columns"
iconset: "fa"
callback: ["pane:split-right", "pane:split-right"]
type: "button"
icon: "circuit-board"
callback: "git-diff:toggle-diff-list"
color: "#FA4F28"
color: "#FA8F28"
type: "button"
icon: "markdown"
callback: "markdown-preview:toggle"
disable: "!markdown"
type: "button"
icon: "sitemap"
iconset: "fa"
class: "fa-rotate-180"
color: "red"
background: "green"
tooltip: "This is just an example it does nothing"
type: "file"
iconset: "fa"
icon: "book"
file: ""
tooltip: "View Documentation"
type: "button"
icon: "list-unordered"
text: "Toggle <b>Minimap</b>"
html: true
callback: "minimap:toggle"
show: {
package: "minimap"
If you want buttons that are only for a specific project. Create a toolbar configuration file at the root of your project directory that is listed in the Atom Tree View. All buttons added to the project toolbar will append to the global toolbar buttons.
See more examples on Wiki ✨
Ryo Narita | Jeroen van Warmerdam | Tony Brix |
MIT © Ryo Narita