- this project was built with python 3.8. run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download and install postgresql for windows from here https://get.enterprisedb.com/postgresql/postgresql-14.1-1-windows-x64.exe
username: postgres
password: password
Add the PostgreSQL bin directory path to the PATH environmental variable.
in windows terminal run:
psql -U postgres
and enter your password
- in the postgresql command line run
CREATE DATABASE myDatabase WITH ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE='English_United States' LC_CTYPE='English_United States';
- in the windows terminal run
pg_ctl -D "<path to postgres data dir>/data" start
run setUpDb.py in the project directory to create the tables
run main.py
in the windows terminal run
pg_ctl -D "<path to postgres data dir>/data" stop
Note: if you run into issues running the webdriver, please install the most recent version of chrome. this requires chrome version 96.*
it's also possible you may have to add the line
host all all md5
to the end of data/pg_hba.conf in you postgres install. I was having issues connection from the application and i don't really know if this helped or not...