flashcards app for studying any topic
#Some user stories
As a student a user wants to store their flashcards in decks by topic a deck is a collection of flashcards
As a student a user wants share decks among friends so that they can help their friends learn a topic
As a student a user wants to create a lesson plan with several topics a lesson is a collection of decks so that there can be a theme for a grouping of decks and there can be a variety of questions
As a student I want to know which topics I am unfamilar with so that I can inprove upon my understanding of these topics
Eventually, would like this app to be able to scrape a webpage for documentation on a particular topic so that a student can create flashacards on a particular topic and memorize a topic quickly. For example, I may want to scrape the Ruby docs page for the Array class so that I can memorize syntax and class methods. Flashcards is inspired by using the Flashtabs chrome extension and finding limited functionality.