Add initial support for OpenTelekomCloud's CCE (a7e374b )
aks: add support for node pools in AKS (edb9813 )
allow to disable wait_for_app_of_apps (a01303b )
antora: use lunr generator in github action for building documentation search index (2307150 )
aws: add test example (7ddef46 )
aws: use by default (947380c )
keycloak: rename user=admin to user=jdoe (7ad68c5 )
randomize argocd admin password (1cf91f0 )
sks: add node anti-affinity on router nodes for cert-manager (#753 ) (dc3a4a3 )
sks: add output for nlb ip address (35d4ba9 )
sks: use Kubernetes 1.21.4 by default (a95d813 )
sks: use letsencrypt-prod when there is more than 1 node pool (#754 ) (0f8179c )
Bug Fixes
argocd: fix health assessment for Applications (c7a46cb )
aws: don't add nat gateway to cluster_endpoint_public_access_cidrs by default (54625b0 )
aws: use local.base_domain instead of var.base_domain (2583e09 )
format with terraform fmt (33a499e )
sks: pass down missing variables to argocd-helm (#748 ) (97f3973 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.