Aligns OCR lines with ground truth lines from recognized sources
Yannik Herbst (Python Search Script)
- Download Release and unpack
- Open Terminal and change to directory you unpacked the contents of the zip file
- Run with:
$java -jar OCRalign.jar
If you want to use the Ground Truth Search function:
- make sure to have Python 3.8 installed (earlier versions not tested):
$ python3 -V
Python 3.8.2
- Install required python tools
$ pip3 install fuzzywuzzy fuzzysearch click python-Levenshtein
usage: ocralign [-l <ocrdata> <gtdata> | -x <pagexml> <gt.txt> | -b
<folder> | -s <pagexml> <corpus folder>] [-i] [-sm] [-a] [-y]
[-n] [-c] [-w]
-l,--line-mode <ocrdata> <gtdata> aligns two strings
-x,--xml-mode <pagexml> <gt.txt> aligns every line from
pageXml to corresponding
-b,--batch-mode <folder> Aligns every file in folder
-s,--search-mode <pagexml> <corpus folder> searches every line of xml
in specified corpus folder
-i,--insert [OPTIONAL] writes every gt
line in xml line
-sm,--safemode [OPTIONAL] Only reads XML
-a,--shortmode [OPTIONAL] Abbreviates
-y,--no-confirm [OPTIONAL] Automatically
confirms and writes every
line to xml
-n,--ngram [OPTIONAL] The length of the
n-gram that is used for the
search, less then 4 may
result in a very long
computation time
-c,--check [OPTIONAL] Only writes if
similarity > c (default:0.5)
-w,--wodiak [OPTIONAL] use gt.wodiak.txt