Ingests data from gtfs-realtime and produces the feed to Kafka, specifically for NYC bus data
Website link to source data:
The gtfs-realtime framework works by consistently updating the data available by HTTP request. This Java application consistently polls these pages, converts these protobuf feed events to JSON, then produces these individual events to Kafka. The Kafka bootstrap URLs and other configurations are passed as program arguments to the Java application.
- Unix-like environment (Linux, Mac OS X)
- Java 17
- Maven (While other versions may work, I used version 3.9.0)
- Request a developer key for the dataset:
mvn clean package
to generate the JAR in the target
export TRANSIT_KEY=<your_developer_key>
Run java application (
is optional if you need to pass in Kafka credentials)java -cp ./target/TransitRealtimeApp-jar-with-dependencies.jar App \ --bootstrap.servers "<your comma separated kafka bootstrap servers>" \ --producer.config "<file path to your kafka producer configuration>"
An example of the Kafka producer configuration:
security.protocol=SASL_SSL # kafka.client.truststore.jks is the copy of standard jvm cacert ssl.truststore.location=/Users/myusername/truststores/kafka.client.truststore.jks ssl.truststore.password=changeit sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required \ username="<username>" \ password="<password>";