sudo apt install python-wstool
mkdir -p ~/sedna_ws
wstool init src
wstool update -t src
- download the royale SDK
from the manufacturers website with the costumer password provided in the pico flexx casing - Extract the linux 64 bit archive from the extracted SDK to
Install the udev rules for the pico_flexx
cd ~/sedna_ws/src/pico_flexx_driver/royale
sudo cp libroyale-<version_number>-LINUX-64Bit/driver/udev/10-royale-ubuntu.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Install the udev rules for the sick tim
sudo cp ~/sedna_ws/src/sick_tim/udev/81-sick-tim3xx.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
Install the udev rules for the phidgets driver
sudo cp ~/sedna_ws/src/phidgets_drivers/phidgets_api/share/udev/99-phidgets.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
We provide a script for an easy remote connection setup in sedna_util/sedna.rc
Make sure it is sourced in ~/.bashrc
The script contains the following functions: @TODO