The things I do when setting up a new Mac
- Start Install Script
- Setup Terminal
- Filezilla
- Davinci Resolve
- GitHub
- Dropbox
- Onedrive
- Telegram
- Davinci
- Zerotier
- Tripmode
- NordVPN
- Spark
- Discord
- HomeAssistant
- IL
- AE
- Premiere
- Auto-hide dock
- Remove all the things
- Make emojis faster using
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool false
- Increase keyboard speed
- Enable automatic updates
- Disable Siri system wide, and remove Siri button from touch bar
defaults write -g NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.001
- Setup
using - Spectacle + Chinch start on bootup
- Mounty on startup
- VM Ware kopieren in: chhofi/Virtuelle Maschinen
- Google Analytics Opt Out aktivieren