A command-line group chat application, using TCP sockets, written in Go. Terminal GUI implemented with awesome-gocui.
The server program listens for and accepts socket connections using the TCP version 4 protocol. Once a connection is established, go-routines are spawned which allow fully-duplexed communication between the client and the server.
Initially, the server sends the client the complete chat history (stored in a text file). Upon receipt of messages from a connected client, it prepends a timestamp, and broadcasts the message to all connected clients.
The maximum number of simultaneously connected clients is set to 10. When a client closes a connection, the server removes it from its map of connected clients, and decrements a counter variable tracking the number of connections.
All messages, as well as notifications of client entry and exit, are written to the chat history file, and are logged server-side to stdout.
The client program dials the server to establish a connection. Once connected, the user is prompted to enter his/her name. The program then sets up two terminal views - one which updates the chat history upon receipt of a message, and one which accepts input from the user to send messages to the server.
- Clone the repository by running
git clone https://github.com/chickazama/tcp-chat.git
on the command-line (ensure Git is installed on your machine.) - Change working directory into the 'tcp-chat/client' folder by running
cd /<path>/<to>/<install>/tcp-chat/client
(Replace path in angled brackets with your download location). - To build the client program, execute the command
go build
. - To run the client, execute the command
./client [ip:port]
(The CLI takes an optional parameter corresponding to a TCPv4 address:port pair. By default, it attempts to connect to
The steps required to build and run the server are identical to those of the client, except that every instance of 'client' in the commands above must be replaced with 'server'. The server program also accepts an optional parameter corresponding to a TCPv4 address:port pair on which it will listen for connections. By default, this is