This project is built to generate SDK that can be used to communicate with a GraphQL Apollo server. Check out test/
folder for usage against a basic Apollo server, a file upload Apollo server or over websocket Apollo server.
npm install @graphql-codegen/cli graphql_dart_codegen --save-dev
File graphql.codegen.ts
import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'
const config: CodegenConfig = {
// ...
generates: {
`${__dirname}/generated/graphql.dart`: {
schema: `http://localhost:8080/root`,
documents: `${__dirname}/**/*.graphql`,
plugins: ['graphql_dart_codegen'],
export default config
npx graphql-codegen --config path_to/graphql.codegen.ts --verbose
With the following GraphQL file
query ViewToDo {
displayToDos {
You can use it like this
import './generated/graphql.dart';
final graphqlSdk = GraphqlSdk(
http: 'http://server-url',
getToken: () async => 'Bearer token',
final todo = await graphqlSdk.ViewToDo();
print(todo); // ViewToDo_Response_displayToDos