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(sqlite) Incorporate review feedback
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* Reverted regular expressions to common formats
* Set filename for Tools64 when retrieving checksum
* Reverted to prior handling for version retrieval and file detection
sans complex regex
* Improved readability by splitting code across multiple lines
  • Loading branch information
dgalbraith committed Jan 15, 2024
1 parent c09437d commit f3e5431
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 23 deletions.
67 changes: 44 additions & 23 deletions automatic/sqlite/update.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,17 @@ $releases = ''
function global:au_SearchReplace {
".\legal\VERIFICATION.txt" = @{
"(?<=x32:\s).*" = "$($Latest.URL32)"
"(?<=\sx64:\s).*" = "$($Latest.URL64)"
"(?<=\sToolsx64:\s).*" = "$($Latest.URLTools64)"
"(?<=checksum32:).*" = "$($Latest.Checksum32)"
"(?<=checksum64:).*" = "$($Latest.Checksum64)"
"(?<=checksumTools64:\s).*" = "$($Latest.ChecksumTools64)"
"(?i)(\s+x32:).*" = "`${1} $($Latest.URL32)"
"(?i)(\s+x64:).*" = "`${1} $($Latest.URL64)"
"(?i)(\s+Toolsx64:).*" = "`${1} $($Latest.URLTools64)"
"(?i)(checksum32:).*" = "`${1} $($Latest.Checksum32)"
"(?i)(checksum64:).*" = "`${1} $($Latest.Checksum64)"
"(?i)(checksumTools64:).*" = "`${1} $($Latest.ChecksumTools64)"
".\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" = @{
"sqlite-dll-win-x86.+\.zip" = "$($Latest.Filename32)"
"sqlite-dll-win-x64.+\.zip" = "$($Latest.Filename64)"
"sqlite-tools-win-x.+\.zip" = "$($Latest.FilenameTools64)"
Expand All @@ -19,46 +24,62 @@ function global:au_BeforeUpdate {
Get-RemoteFiles -Purge -NoSuffix
$tools_name = $Latest.URLTools64 -split '/' | Select-Object -Last 1
Invoke-WebRequest $Latest.URLTools64 -OutFile tools\$tools_name
$Latest.FilenameTools64 = $tools_name
$Latest.ChecksumTools64 = Get-FileHash tools\$tools_name | ForEach-Object Hash

function global:au_GetLatest {
function get_version( [int]$Bit=32 ) {
$re = '(?<=,)(?<Version>.+),(?<Filename>\d*\/sqlite-dll-win-x{0}.+\.zip)' -f ((86, $Bit)[!($Bit -eq 32)])
$download_page.Content -match $re | Out-Null
$version = $download_page.AllElements | Where-Object tagName -eq 'td' | Where-Object InnerHtml -match "$Bit-bit DLL .+ for SQLite version" | ForEach-Object InnerHtml
$version -match '((?:\d+\.)+)' | out-null
$Matches[0] -replace '\.$'

function url_exists( [string] $Url ) {
try { ([System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Url)).GetResponse().Close(); return $true } catch { return $false }
try {
return $true
} catch {
return $false

$download_page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $releases -UseBasicParsing
$download_page = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $releases
$version32 = get_version 32
$version64 = get_version 64

$re = '(?<=,)\d{4}/sqlite-.+-win-x\d{2}-\d{7}\.zip'
$urls = $download_page.Content | Select-String -Pattern $re -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { '' + $_.Groups[0].Value}
$url32 = $urls -like '*dll*win-x86*' | Select-Object -First 1
$url64 = $urls -like '*dll*win-x64*' | Select-Object -First 1
$urlTools64 = $urls -like '*tools*win-x64*'| Select-Object -First 1
$re = '\-win-x\d\d\-.+\.zip'
$urls = $download_page.links | Where-Object href -match $re | ForEach-Object { '' + $_.href }
$url32 = $urls -like '*dll*win-x86*' | Select-Object -First 1
$url64 = $urls -like '*dll*win-x64*' | Select-Object -First 1
$urlTools64 = $urls -like '*tools*win-x64*' | Select-Object -First 1

if ($version32 -eq $version64) { $Version = $version32 }
else {

if ($version32 -eq $version64) {
$Version = $version32
} else {
$u32 = $url64 -replace 'win-x64', 'win-x86'
$u64 = $url64 -replace 'win-x86', 'win-x64'

if (url_exists $u32) { $Version = $version64; $url32 = $u32 }
elseif (url_exists $64) { $Version = $version32; $url64 = $u64 }
else {
if (url_exists $u32) {
$version = $version64
$url32 = $u32
} elseif (url_exists $64) {
$version = $version32
$url64 = $u64
} else {
Write-Host "Can't find common version for x32 and x64 architecture."
return 'ignore'

@{ Version = $version; URL32 = $url32; URL64 = $url64; URLTools64 = $urlTools64; PackageName = 'SQLite' }
Version = $version
URL32 = $url32
URL64 = $url64
URLTools64 = $urlTools64
PackageName = 'SQLite'

update -ChecksumFor none

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