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Releases: chrishalbert/laravel-nomadic

Commit to better docs ;)

11 Aug 19:54
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This release is simply adding better documentation so that developers have a clear understanding of how they can actually harness the power of the event driven hooks, stubs for DX (developer experience), and customizable migration table on top of the newly released 2.0.0.

Php 7.3+ along with customizable migration stubs.

07 Aug 21:15
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Allows user to create custom stubs for their migrations to enhance the DX when writing db updates.

Fix document blocks of stubs.

16 Oct 16:41
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Merge pull request #19 from davorminchorov/#17-update-phpdocs

[#17] Update PHP docblocks in blank.stub and NomadicMigration.php to be consistent with the docblocks from the laravel migration stub

Laravel 5.6 compatible.

14 Aug 01:48
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Nesbot version needed to be dropped a 1.25 since this is locked in laravel/framework at 5.6

A few minor bug fixes found during usage.

22 Jul 00:29
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Added an end of line character and fixed where hooks were pointed.

Drop Carbon version requirement.

21 Jul 20:40
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Allows for older Carbon library in dependents.

Add initTrait functionality.

21 Jul 19:41
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Provided a way to actually auto init all of your traits.

Add full support to various migration hooks.

20 Jul 22:51
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Now, developers can use multiple types of hooks. There are hooks that run before and after migrate and rollback. There are also hooks that run in the constructor and destructor.

One may question why a hook is so beneficial; a developer can just add their own to the method.

Well, this, in combination with the traits, allows you to automatically execute certain types of tasks by default on all of your migrations. For a simple example, perhaps you want turn on query logging and output this for all the migrations. You can create a trait that adds hooks to preMigrate to turn on query logging, and then in postMigrate you output the query logs. You can add that trait in the configs/nomadic.php and then moving forward, all migrations will output the details you are looking for.

Fixed dependencies.

07 Jun 01:33
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Moved dev dependencies to require-dev and swapped unsupported/supported packages.

Pass class name and file path to hooks.

19 May 21:35
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The intent of nomadic hooks was to allow actions to be taken, based on the migration being created - we need the class and file path to really allow that.